New plan saves tree and is music to the ears of nearby pub in Shoreham

Released: Friday, 28 July 2023

Amended plans to revamp the empty site where the former Adur Civic Centre in Shoreham stood have been received to ensure a Poplar tree is retained, as well as design changes to benefit residents and the nearby pub.

There were fears the Grey Poplar tree next to the Duke of Wellington pub, in Brighton Road would have to be felled when housing association Hyde Group was granted permission to build 159 much-needed affordable homes on the land.

But we organised a series of meetings to listen to the wishes of the community, who wanted the tree to remain and worked with Hyde to come up with new plans to ensure it was saved.

The Duke of Wellington pub was also concerned the new development would lead to noise complaints, but together with Hyde we entered into a Deed of Noise Easement that ensures the pub gets protection from noise complaints and therefore will not affect its wish to play live music.

There is also a covenant by the development owners not to bring or support a noise nuisance claim against the pub, providing it operates within its existing licence conditions.

This is in addition to the initial agreement made in the planning process that when approved would see additional noise measures such as additional sound-proofing in the block adjacent to the pub, and obligations on the future owners to maintain them for the lifetime of the development.

Cllr Steve Neocleous, Adur District Council's Cabinet Member for Regeneration and Strategic Planning, said:

“From the very start we have listened and engaged with local residents and have now sought an amendment that reflects both concerns over the tree, as well as the music licence.

“The changes uphold the original application and importantly will deliver 159 affordable homes with up to 50 of those being for social rent providing homes directly for those on our council waiting list.”

The overall number of apartments will remain the same and Hyde remains committed to delivering 100% affordable housing on the site, even though the Local Plan policy requirement is only that a minimum of 30% must be affordable.

However, the new application will also see the shape of the development reduced in size in the south west corner near the pub, while the mix of unit size means three one-bedroom homes will be replaced with one two-bedroom and two three-bed family size homes.

There will also be approximately 70 square-metres less in commercial space by using smaller unit sizes while a sixth floor will be added at the corner block with Ham Road, as well as the relocation of some parking spaces and the removal of car pergolas. The nine-storey block remains unchanged.

Letters of notifications being sent out to local residents, while members of the public can view the application by visiting the:

A section 73 notice, which seeks to amend the previously approved plans that include the redesign and saves the tree, is expected to go to our planning committee this autumn.

Photos: The poplar tree next to the Duke of Wellington pub, in Brighton Road in Shoreham (next to the Adur Civic Centre site)

PR23-054+061+104 - The poplar tree next to the Adur Civic Centre site in Shoreham

PR23-054+061+104 - The poplar tree next to the Duke of Wellington pub, in Brighton Road in Shoreham

PR23-054+061+104+24-006 - The former Adur Civic Centre site, off Ham Road and Brighton Road in Shoreham (from the north)


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Page last updated: 17 June 2024

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